The people of Pernambuco, Brazil, were up against a death or life situation. And death was winning. Each year, hundreds of members of their community were dying senselessly. Not because of poor medical care But because they couldn’t get the replacement organs they needed to survive. According to Brazilian law, it’s up to the family. […]
All Together Now: Passion, Experience, Story
What A Doughboy Knows That We Don’t
It’s the beginning of a new semester. And Bob is at it again. Each semester, Bob shows a video to his international students. It’s this one. Behold the Doughboy effect “Does this make you hungry?” he asks them. They laugh nervously and answer, “No.” “Does this make you think of family or getting together […]
To The Truth Tellers
Truth was naked and cold. Destitute. She had been turned away from every door in the village. Her nakedness frightened the people When Parable found her, she was huddled in a corner, shivering, and hungry. Taking pity on her, Parable gathered her up and took her home. There she dressed Truth in story, warmed her, […]
Visual Stories My Old Friend Tells Me
We have met at least once a month for the last 22 years, my old friend and me. And every time I visit I see something I didn’t see before. Something new from my old friend to me. For 22 years Every time we’re together I feel inspired. That’s my old friend’s gift to me. […]
More Nothing: What Visual Storytelling Needs
Heather Anthony is an artist. She creates family portraits. To begin, she asks the family to send her photographs of each person. She asks them about the clothes they like to wear. And the fashion story they tell. Creating context From those contextual elements, she draws a digital sketch of the group for approval. Only […]
What Now? Designing Action Into Experiences
Janet stood facing the huge, metal monster. Shaking. In sheer freight. It was just an MRI scan, but fear of the unknown overtook her. She sat shaking on the side of the machine and then lay down. A harrowing experience While she was lying there, still waiting for the procedure to begin, she noticed a […]
Stories That Move The Movement
Real stories, narrative stories, are powerful. They connect people and forever change those people for the better. Great stories exist outside time. They live in people’s hearts. And they fuel their actions That’s why stories are the language of tribes. And as such, they hold the power to emotionally connect people. And to define and […]
Surviving The Content Apocalypse
It started out innocently enough. Quite pretty, really. Lovely little messages, gliding on the breeze, falling lightly to the ground. Then things changed Suddenly, the wind shifted and the messages increased, filling the the sky, turning everything in their way into a shroud of white. Each message now propelled horizontally like an icy bullet. Making […]