The Purpose Effect

That’s you, tossed hither and yon. Pushed here and there by every wave of change. That’s your tribe Pulled by each misguided would-be, could-be opportunity. Buffeted by every possible concern of every possible constituency. Floating aimlessly from one flavor-of-the-month to another. Jolted by every news cycle. That’s you Susceptible to every wave of expediency. That’s […]

The Great Idea That Isn’t

Larry’s business was in trouble. The market he served was in trouble. The public infrastructure he supplied was in trouble. It was literally crumbling. And as a result, everyone was simply reacting to emergencies instead of thinking ahead and adding real value. For Larry, it was a death spiral of commoditization, drowning in a red […]

To Those Who Make It Real

He had been siting under that gnarled, old tree, enjoying its refreshing shade, for hours. Just thinking. Pondering the universe. Then it happened. A thud heard around the world. A monumental plop in history. Who discovered gravity? Issac Newton, right? Well, not exactly. People already knew heavy stuff could fall and bonk you on the […]

Finding The Remarkable

I was in the middle of writing a post about why it’s important for purpose-driven brands to stand out instead of blend in. I’d just battered into submission the point that standing out doesn’t start with telling people things. It starts by making something remarkable. The remarkable is something that is worth sharing. Something people […]

To The Imperfect Journey

At the end of the dock there is a boat. But in the side of the boat there is a hole. That hole is never going to be fixed. And it’s never going away. So, get a new boat, right? You can’t get a new boat. Because this is your boat. All you can do […]