Tell A Transmedia Story

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The old brand story isn’t just dead, Woody Harrelson is smoking its ashes in his lucky skull bong somewhere right now.

Will transmedia storytelling kill the branding star?

What the heck is transmedia storytelling, and why is it becoming a hot topic these days?

Well, in its simplest terms, it’s the practice of creatively linking multiple platforms — all the way from comic novels, games, social media, mobile apps to video, exhibits and content of all kinds — so that each functions as a standalone story experience and at the same time tells a unique part of a bigger story.

Why you should care

According to Dr. Pamela Rutledge, there are three reasons you should be using transmedia storytelling for advocacy programs.


Transmedia stories are the most fundamental and immersive form of communication, engaging our brains at the intuitive, sensory and executive levels.

Tribe connections

Transmedia strategies create many points of entry that reach and link different parts of your tribe and target different user needs. They effectively expand the common experiences of the tribe and give members of the community different ways to express themselves and amplify their voices to the tribe.

Return on investment

This unique kind of storytelling redefines ROI, extends your program’s shelf life and creates value-added intellectual property assets and ancillary revenue streams.

To change your organization, change your stories

Sounds like three pretty good reasons to learn more. Especially if you want to transform a cause, an organization or a brand.

And here’s a great place to do it. A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling.

Writer, game developer and transmedia pioneer Andrea Phillips, has written an insightful and enjoyable book that will open your mind to powerful new possibilities.

But only if you believe that the choices people make are emotional decisions as well as functional ones.

But that’s just my opinion. What’s your take?


Image copyright: Moan Lisa