Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far away, the good people who make children’s books wanted to tell their story of quality and care.
But the nasty ogres of boring facts, speeds and feeds, stats and figures turned around and devoured their every attempt.
Because, well, frankly, no one in the kingdom paid much attention to ogres.
Then one day it came to them.
Why not tell the story of the making of children’s books by retelling the classics?
But with a new twist.
So they got all their old friends together. Monsters and pigs and giants and bears.
The fairies said they would handle the launch.
Frank leveraged his movie star image to tell the story of integrated manufacturing.
The pigs, for some strange reason, wanted to tell the story of quality control.
Jack the Nimble brought his own elegant approach to the story of quick turnaround production and inventory control.
The giant exercised his substantial position in the community, along with his rather direct approach, to tell the story of close-to-market distribution.
The bears couldn’t come to a consensus, but agreed to tell the story of right-sized systems anyway.
Together they told the story of a new way to make children’s books.
And they did it with emotion and flair in just about every place you can imagine.
(Except, of course, in nasty radio and TV land.)
And, lo and behold, the people of the Kingdom listened.
And, as a result, well, you know.
They all lived happily ever after.
Especially the pigs.